How can you heal if you don’t know you’re sick?

Imagine a line of energy going through the ball of your right foot as it strongly makes contact with the floor The ground shoots energy through your bare foot That line of energy travels up through your ankle, through the knees, to reach the pelvis Imagine the force...

If only for a moment

Depression is seemingly a never ending battle, it haunts me even, like a death sentence or cancer diagnosis. Not knowing when you wake whether it will be a bad day or a worse day. ” Just get to tonight and you can go back to sleep” I tell myself. However,...

Puzzle Pieces

“My flaws aren’t a disease, just my puzzle pieces. If you see me pacing, Don’t think I’m being rude and stop, stare, and point, don’t reprimand me, and inform me, “You’re attracting attention.” Smile, and ask if you...

A resignation from stereotypic identities and mysogyny

There’s a saying that ignorance is bliss, no ignorance is ignorance.  The thing about ignorance is when you’ve taken a charge to educate people, when you have a platform, when you’ve taken your place on your soapbox, this very ignorance can dismantle the progress and...

Black Yourstory

Today I have been inspired to write, after a great sermon, not sermon that’s too deep, after a great speech given by Dr. Hill.  He admonished us as young Black Americans to become historic and iconic just as the people we celebrate. We always celebrate the late...

Major 🔑🔑🔑 🚨: Journaling

This post is inspired by Health and Wellness: a journal by Brian Luke Seaward. He has other great books that are motivational and insightful. Also cool to listen to … The purpose of the journal was to provide guidance and encouragement as you journey on your...